Monthly Archives: July 2010

Seafood in the North End

I was really looking forward to the long weekend and getting a chance to cook again after finishing my Biochem final on Thursday night. I’d originally planned on a light potato salad for dinner, but Friday’s e-mail update from the neighborhood seafood shop announced the arrival of wild Alaskan salmon.

The Mercato del Mare is our cute seafood market tucked into a tiny below-street level shop on Salem street. David and I shop there often, and they’re a perfect example of the neighborhood feel of the North End. Along with my salmon, they tucked in this little gift:

I really don’t have lobster very often (like maybe twice in my life, and I actually think I’ve killed more lobsters in restaurant kitchens than I’d actually eaten), but pairing it with a little melted butter was the perfect appetizer for our salmon. And a luxurious way to kick off the 4th of July weekend.

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Filed under Salmon, Seafood