Eggs on top of pasta and other starches is one of my favorite things to eat. The taste of runny egg yolks sopped up with buttered toast is amazing, so translating that same idea to dinner, with the addition of other fresh and savory ingredients is perfect. Living in the North End, I’m lucky enough to have access to a great mercato that sells shaved prosciutto.
I was first introduced to the idea at Smitten Kitchen’s website — one of my favorite blogs! She made an egg-topped rice dish with caramelized leeks, and sauteed garlic and ginger. If you don’t know about her already, check out her site. And make the recipe. They’re both fabulous.
Then I found this recipe in a Bon Appetit magazine. It turned out really well! I’m just cooking for two, and thought getting so many pans dirty was pointless, so after cooking the prosciutto, I used the same skillet to cook the eggs. If you’re not using multiple pans, work quickly so everything stays hot until you eat it.